TMJ Chiropractor and Physiotherapist

cabramatta physiotherapy, tmj physiotherapist, TMJ, TMD, temporomandibular disorders, jaw pain, jaw joint, Canley Heights Physiotherapy TMJ Chiropractor

cabramatta physiotherapy, tmj physiotherapist, TMJ, TMD, temporomandibular disorders, jaw pain, jaw joint, Canley Heights Physiotherapy TMJ Chiropractor

cabramatta physiotherapy, tmj physiotherapist, TMJ, TMD, temporomandibular disorders, jaw pain, jaw joint, Canley Heights Physiotherapy, TMJ Chiropractor







At Evolution Health Clinic Canley Heights and Cabramatta, our TMJ Chiropractor and Physiotherapist have been trained to provide treatment for TMJ disorders.

If you present with any of these symptoms you may be suffering from Temporomandibular joint dyfunction or TMJ dysfunction.

• Jaw or head discomfort
• Challenges in fully opening the mouth for eating or yawning.
• Trouble biting or chewing.
• Sensation of clicking or grinding when opening or closing the jaw.
• Headaches and dizziness.
• Ear discomfort and ringing in the ears.

Jaw discomfort or symptoms linked to jaw issues might stem from tense jaw muscles or misalignment in the jaw or neck. Using chiropractic, physiotherapy and cranial techniques, we can release muscle tension and realign the jaw and neck, alleviating TMJ-related symptoms.

Here are some of the techniques our TMJ Chiropractor and physiotherapist utilize to help relieve your jaw pain.

  1. Functional Massage of Jaw Muscles: This includes targeting specific muscles like the temporalis, masseter, lateral, and medial pterygoids. These muscles play crucial roles in jaw movement and can contribute to discomfort when tense or dysfunctional. Massage techniques aim to alleviate tension and improve muscle function.
  2. Correction of Neck Posture: Addressing neck posture is essential, as it can influence jaw alignment and function. Corrective measures are employed to ensure optimal neck positioning, which in turn aids in resolving jaw issues.
  3. Trigger Point Release Techniques: Identifying and treating trigger points—localized areas of muscle tension—through specialized techniques to relieve pain and improve muscle function.
  4. Manual Therapy Techniques: These encompass various hands-on approaches such as joint traction and compression, which can help in aligning the jaw joint and reducing discomfort.
  5. Motor Control Training: This involves exercises and methods to improve control and coordination of the muscles involved in jaw movement, aiding in better functionality and reduced discomfort.
  6. Mobilization with Movement: Techniques that involve gentle movement paired with manual therapy to enhance joint mobility and reduce stiffness.
  7. Acupuncture for Muscle Relaxation: Utilizing acupuncture or dry needling to relax tight jaw muscles. Our post on acupuncture/dry needling can provide insights into how this technique works.
  8. Corrective Exercises: Tailored exercises designed to address imbalances or dysfunctions in the jaw muscles. This includes techniques like 'mewing' (proper tongue posture), specific swallowing techniques, and maintaining proper oral posture for improved muscle function.
  9. Self-Massage and Stretching Techniques: Providing guidance on self-care practices that individuals can perform at home to manage discomfort. These techniques aim to reduce muscle tension and improve flexibility.

Each of these methods contributes to a holistic approach aimed at alleviating jaw discomfort and dysfunction, addressing both the symptoms and underlying causes for long-term relief and improved jaw function.

To learn more about TMJ pain and how a TMJ Chiropractor and Physiotherapist can help read our blog here.

If you're weary of enduring jaw discomfort and seek lasting solutions, Dr. Alwyn Sau (Chiropractor) and Colin Sau (Physiotherapist) is within reach by phone.

Contact our center at 0449866886 or conveniently book online here.


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